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Susan Anderson’s psychic private readings, radio readings and gallery reading: Bridging Two Worlds®, as well as the seminars: Sarasota: an Introspective Journey©and the series of Inner Journey: the Series© are reaching Americans from New York to New Mexico, and Minnesota to Ft Lauderdale. 

Here are just a few testimonials and validations from people whose lives have been changed by Susan and her daughter…

In response to Seminars:

As someone who has traveled to Sarasota, FL several times to work with Susan, I would recommend her to anyone. Her Reiki/Shamanic energy work sessions are wonderful. Susan does not solve your issues or answer your questions for you. What she does do is walk you through these things and help you find your own answers. My visit last year to Sarasota was special. It was soon after my husband's passing, and her healing meditations were just that.

I am a stronger person because of Susan. You will be making a good decision in deciding to work with Susan and I am looking forward to this year's trip and what I will discover. I will forever be grateful for all she has given me.

Fran, Minneapolis, MN

Words cannot express my gratitude for your generosity and your clients who helped support my visit to Sarasota in 2013. As a Veteran with a family I could not financially take the journey to Sarasota but was surprised when I received help to make this journey possible. Struggling with PSD has affected not just me but my family. Your work has helped me to obtain nights of sleep, which have been lost for a very long time. I am now sleeping better, and using the "Emotional Tools" you taught me to gain headway on the healing of my mind and body. Thank you so much for the engaging and wonderful moments I had in Sarasota, Florida. Thank you again from the deepest part of my heart.

Michael, New York

After, the loss of my son, I felt lost and not sure if I could continue in life. I have struggled with depression and anxiety as a result of this loss. Your work encouraged me, to find a better way to deal with my grief and loss. It is in Sarasota and the work with this wonderfully talented lady that I am now back home, living my life with my husband and enjoying it once again.

I have been to Sarasota twice now and look forward to traveling there again and spending time with Susan, continuing this journey in life and relaxing in the Sun Drenched area of Sarasota.

Susan, you are a Guardian Angel on Earth, looking over those who have hurts and pains. Bless you for your work and guidance. I am so grateful.

Katherine, Minnesota

Taking the Inner Journey classes was amazing. It is the first time I haven't had the winter blues! I will practice my homework for the rest of my life.

Clare, Minnesota

Inner Journey is a class that plays out long after you are done with the course. It is a Journey into living your life from a better space. The Attitude of Gratitude is very important to me…it was the one piece that was missing for me.

Cathy, Minnesota

I enjoyed the meditations, meeting my guides and so much more during the Inner Journey Sessions. I wish everyone would take this wonderfully put together series. It validated so many things for me, too numerous to mention.

George, Minnesota

Inner Journey challenged me to own my own power and to not play the victim role in my life. It was exactly what I needed to see something more than I had ever remembered seeing before.

Jane, Minnesota

Susan and her daughter are right…. seeing is believing…I found it in Inner Journey! I am on a path of authoring my journey (life).

Don, Minnesota

In response to private, radio and Bridging Two Worlds® readings:

I've heard a couple of shows on the radio and I was simply amazed! You were wonderful. I feel that you are such an added bonus to the radio show and it's so much fun listening to you. You are incredibly amazing.

Giselle, Texas

I attended Bridging Two Worlds and it was so neat to be in a room full of people that received messages from loved ones. It really gives you hope and makes it an amazing adventure. Susan signed my book and without asking she wrote a message from my Grandmother in it. It was a touching and delightful surprise. I was so happy to hear from her. Thank you both so much. Your gifts are truly sent from God.

Sasha, Texas

Just want to say thank you for the reading. When our son, Lucious came through and talked about the LL sign, I was amazed. We made tattoos that consisted of "LL" meaning "Love Lucious," we were very surprised. All the information you shared that evening was accurate and we can never thank you enough for connecting us with our son.

Sharon, Indiana

I waited six years hoping to see or hear a sign from my son who passed away. Then, one day on a radio station I heard your voice, called in and got a long awaited message. Thank you from the deepest part of my heart for delivering that message home.

Janice, New Mexico

I had not experienced anything so amazing before. You brought my Grandfather through for my Grandmother and me. He talked about the blue bonnet flowers that he always gave her, their "love story" and how she cared for him during his life.

Kelli, Texas

During the Bridging Two Worlds event that we attended in Houston, you gave us a reading. You mentioned our 17 year old son on the other side was hanging out with someone with the J" initial and we didn't think of it right away because we were shocked with the clarity of information that was coming through. The J was our infant son, Jeffery who is also on the other side. I came home feeling hopeful knowing he is with me-knowing he can hear and knowing he is loving me just as I am loving him. Sometimes the battle to live on after a loss is too hard to face. You gave me a hand up and the connection I needed to keep trying! Please know that you have given me so much peace.

Kathy, Texas

Susan's unique abilities are undeniable. I have now had several readings with her and each brought special validations, useful information, and reinforced a few simple yet life-changing truths: We are here for a special purpose, of our own design, to learn lessons from life in order to improve our souls. Our spirits are eternal and God-given. The bonds of love are everlasting and our loved ones, angels, and spirit guides are always around us, sharing our joy and helping make our difficulties more manageable. These friends, guardians, and teachers are eager to make a connection with us, and that's where her talent is pivotal for me.
When I was 12 weeks pregnant, I had a reading with her. I was amazed and delighted when she was able to communicate with my unborn baby! She predicted that he would be born at least two weeks early, be lighter than his brother but at least 7 pounds, would have a reddish complexion, lots of dark hair, and that he would have striking eyes. He was born 3 weeks early, weighed 7 pounds 6 ounces (his brother was a heavier 7 pounds 10 ounces), had a reddish complexion, lots of dark hair, and has the biggest, most striking eyes I have ever seen. She also knew that his crib was white, and that while we had discussed wanting a girl, it would be a boy and that would be all right with us. Everything she said was totally accurate.

In the same reading, She saw my deceased grandfather holding a baby girl named "Sarah". I did not know who it was, but guessed that it might be a baby that my Aunt had aborted when she was 16. We were all floored when we asked my Aunt if she had ever given the unborn baby a name (something she had never shared with us) and she said that if it had been a girl they would have named her "Sarah"!

Susan is more than a psychic medium, she is an angel, and I'm proud to say that she has also become a dear friend.

Julie, Maryland

When I called into the 104KRBE radio station in Houston, Texas, I never expected to get through. I did on the second try. When I spoke to Susan, although for only a few minutes, she gave me information that literally changed my life. She told me things about a baby girl I had lost prior to birth that no one but my husband and I knew. She told me my daughter wanted me to move on and stop grieving my loss. At that time, it had been 18 months since I buried that baby and no one and nothing could help me get past my grief. Hearing that from Susan brought me back to reality and was a changing moment in my life. Since that day, I have let go of my grief and I feel secure in knowing my baby is fine on the Other Side and is with me always guiding me through my life. I owe a great deal to Susan for helping lift that burden off my shoulders.

Lisa, Texas

I brought a friend to see you while you were at Lake Ponchartrain in New Orleans. She was stunned when you brought through her husband and all the precise information for her. You opened a door for her to move through the grief process. Thank you so much.

Dr. Mary, Mississippi

While listening to you on the radio, I was very impressed with your clarity. You didn't need any information and you just gave each person who called in a reading that was astonishing.

Pamela, Louisiana

Your words strengthened me and I know you were my angel that day. You have helped me in a way that will forever change my life for the better. Your reading was right on; even my ring was where you said it would be.

Rebecca, Alabama

I was pleasantly surprised when my beloved dog came through in the reading. When you said she had a "s" above her head. It was her name, Sasha. You also validated my Grandmother and Aunt coming through. Thank you for giving me the messages from my loved ones and sharing your wonderful gift.

Charlie, California

About a month ago I had called in to the station [B105 Duluth, MN] when the psychics were on and Susan had said something about someone very close to me would be expecting in 9 months and I replied with "Thank you," because I had no clue who it was at the time and I think either Cathy or Ken had said, "Do you know who it is?" Two weeks later I received a phone call from a friend who I had not talked to in a while. She and her husband have been trying for years to have a child with no luck. She announced to me that they are expecting in August! How exciting! So anyone who does not believe in what the psychics are saying, to me this is valid proof :-). Just had to share because I thought it was neat how I didn't know who at the time but within a few weeks someone very close to me is expecting. What a miracle!

Sarah, Minnesota

I had a reading today on the morning show with Billy Zane and Amy Leigh on 94.5 VFX in Logan, UT. I couldn't believe how dead on you were about my life! It was truly AMAZING

Ashley, Utah

I had a reading that helped me to realize that my Dad, who I lost almost 20 years ago, was still around and helping me when I needed it. The accuracy was amazing and advice insightful. This reading helped me to heal wounds of grief that I have carried for many years both for my dad and my big brother.

Sue, Minnesota

Thank you so much for the private in person reading at the Hilton. I feel I must tell you what happened this morning at my office. You talked last night about recommending oriental medicine for me and also, specifically, someone from Northwestern. You had also mentioned oriental medicine to me the night I met you at the Bridging Two Worlds® event.
I work for a general contractor. We also have a storage leasing business on the side. Last week a woman called me from California who had not visited her storage unit in the 20 years since she filled it up. She said her daughter would be coming here Tuesday to evaluate everything and see what could be salvaged. Note that this was a week before my session with you. This morning her daughter came in and put a canvas bag on the counter. My eye fell on the bag--which had the words "Northwestern" and "Oriental Medicine" on it. I said to her that that was truly amazing because I had just been discussing that very subject with someone the night before. She than said that she was a doctor of oriental medicine. I then told her specifically, that the "discussion" was actually a reading with a psychic medium. She asked who and I told her. She said, "Oh, I know who they are." The synchronicity here is totally mind-blowing. The more I think about it, the more amazing it gets.

Nancy, Minnesota

If they do background checks, they are better than the F.B.I. You knew so much information about me. I was totally blown away. Thank you, the information you gave me for business and in my personal life, it was amazing.

Paul, California

You touched my heart today and I want to thank you for the extra time you gave me, but most of all your understanding, encouragement and information you gave me. I still have tears in my eyes.

Cheryl, Colorado

Thank you for bringing through my Mother and Sister. I have been hoping to hear from them for quite sometime now. It was all accurate and gave us a lot of information that we could validate. I just wanted to say thank you.

Lisa, Colorado

The mother & daughter connection is uncanny! Their ability to tap into the same "reading" is amazing. My customers could not get enough of Susan and Christine.

Dianna Santiago, New Age Emporium, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

You spoke with my daughter during a guest appearance on a radio show in Sarasota, Florida. You said she was "surrounded by wrecked cars" she said she didn't know what you were talking about. Well, our family business is repairing damaged vehicles. When she shared the information from you conversation, it all was "right on". Gary is an uncle who died when he was quite young, but the information you gave her was validated.

Ann, Florida

I was amazed during the reading when you started to sing the "Texaco Song" (Trust your car to the man who wears the star, the Texaco Star) came through. There was no doubt it was my Dad, he owned a Texaco station and he was very proud of it. Thank you so much for the beautiful reading I received.

Wilda, Louisiana

I am convinced that they have a unique gift.

Sharon, Louisiana

After my reading, I felt like I finally knew that all the hardships that I have gone through were for a reason. It felt amazing to get confirmation that I am on the right path and that my life is finally going somewhere (even though I already knew that deep down). I shared with my family parts of what you told me and they were all stunned by your accuracy. Thank you so much for your patience and your time.

Carry, Minnesota

In today's changing business climate the reading I received gave me a unique third party view of my business situation, which after time proved to be dead on. It caused me to see a world of options with business direction and planning, career direction and the potential for change. I look at my business dealings differently and ask questions that I never would have thought of. It has had a positive impact on my business direction and me.

Ross, Minnesota

I was very nervous about getting a reading. From the very beginning I felt at home, it was like sitting with an old friend. The clarity, ease and accuracy with which the relayed information was given (about my deceased grandmother and my great grandfather); it was stunning. I left the session feeling incredibly informed, affirmed and grounded. She is a gifted healer and I look forward to any opportunity to sit with her again, even just to share a Coke.

Henry, Minnesota

Thank you for your reading tonight. It meant a lot to me to hear Carl say thank you.

Joan, Minnesota

My son is doing great. Everything you said about him in my last reading turned out to be true. How exciting.

Julie, Mississippi

I can't begin to tell you how much it meant for you to pass on the information from my daughter who passed away in a car accident. It was so accurate and I had this need to understand what happened to her. Thank you, it doesn't make the pain go away but it makes it easier to bear and for that blessings to you.

Linda, Missouri

At first I felt you were so correct about everything, but you said more than I first caught. It became clearer when I researched exactly how correct you were. Please continue to reach out and bring peace to so many more.

Kathy, New York

It was amazing hearing from my Father and how he shared the information about the stringer line and fishing. You described our home when I was growing up, our Christmas tree and its decorations even the information about Grandma and my family was totally accurate. Thank you so much for the reading and the messages. They meant a lot to me.

Holly, New York

I was absolutely blown away.

Chad, New York

I thank you for coming into my life and sharing your beautiful gift.

Celina, Texas

You said that I am trying to achieve something and I am very close to it. Well, I have exciting news. I got it! Thank you.

Amber, Texas

I must say that I've never experienced anything like this before and the messages that she passed to me have changed my entire outlook on my new life. Yes…it is the big…Oy, you knew….

Elizabeth, Texas

I was listening to you on the radio yesterday morning. You have an amazing talent. You are awesome. My mother-in-law and I can't wait to get tickets to see you!

Tina, Texas

Just wanted to share with you how overwhelmed I was when I heard the recording you made for my husband. I recognized a lot of the dates and information. It was all right on the money and extremely enlightening.

Lisa, Texas

Thank you for the reading last night. It was a wonderful moment for me to be connected with my Dad again. I shared what you said to my Mom and Daughter. Both were in tears. It made us happy to know my Dad is around us. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful gift with everyone.

Bonnie, Texas

You are the first person I have visited with that has helped me to get into touch with my loved ones that have passed on and you do it with honesty and compassion.

Kevin, Texas

I just wanted to thank you for a wonderful reading. I especially enjoyed hearing from my grandmother, Alberta who passed away about a year ago. I was stunned when you shared that you heard birds when she entered, as her nickname was Birdie all her life. Even better, we'd always jokingly refer to her as "the bird", especially when we were teasing her about something. Just goes to show she's still got her sense of humor and her love for making an entrance.

Karen, Texas

I have to share with you that I was very skeptical, but I almost fell out of my chair when you asked about my husband's lower back pain. He had just injured his back playing golf. I spoke to my mother about the reading and we were shocked about all the correct information you gave me.

Kelly, Texas

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